Next Show: Fontana’s Friday June 5th!

Hey everyone –

Our next show!
As some of you know, our beloved brother Seth Glickman will be attending graduate school in Pittsburgh in the fall.  While Seth will always be a member of FRANK, this is a great opportunity to see us in our current form before he spends more time in the Iron City.  Come by and give Seth a big hug (and/or a scotch).

We’re excited to share the evening with with our good friends in a reunited (one night only) Hello Nurse as well as The Rinse!  Please RSVP on facebook by clicking here.

Here’s the details:

What:  FRANK (with Seth) live!

Where: Fontana’s 105 Eldridge Street (map)

When:  Friday, June 5th.
8:00:  The Rinse
9:00:  Hello Nurse
10:00 FRANK

Cheers –
Billy, Christian, Scott & Seth

Here’s Our New Record!

Hey everyone –

At long last we’re very proud to share our new record, “frank IV: Music (and Other Bad Habits)”, with you!  Go get it here!

frank IV: Music (and Other Bad Habits) was the first record recorded at Room 17 in Brooklyn, owned by Scott Porter and longtime FRANK family Joe Rogers and Adam Lasus, and was mastered by our good friend Joe Lambert.  The record was produced by FRANK and Joe Rogers.

Record Release Party!
We’re throwing a big party to celebrate the release of MaOBH with our good friends in Big Shifter and Evil Jake.  Please RSVP on facebook by clicking here.

Here’s the details:

What:  The frank IV: Music (and Other Bad Habits) Record Release Party!

Where: Fontana’s 105 Eldridge Street (map)

When:  Friday, November 14th.
8:30: Big Shifter
9:30: FRANK
10:30 Evil Jake

Watch videos from the record at FRANK’s youtube channel:

Cheers –
Billy, Christian, Scott & Seth